Fragrant Screw Pine (പൂകൈത്ത)

Scientific Name: Pandanus odorifer (Forssk.) Kuntze

Synonyms: Bromelia sylvestris Burm.f., Keura odora Thunb.

Unique ID: 222

Systematic Position

Class: Monocotyledonae

Series: Nudiflorae

Family: Pandanaceae

Common Names

English – Fragrant Screw Pine

Malayalam – പൂകൈത്ത

Tamil – Thala

Others – Keteki phul (Assamese)



Description: Branched shrubs or small trees; trunk greyish-brown, ringed by leaf-scars and with basal prop roots. Leaves spiralled in 3 rows, upto 200 cm long and 6 cm broad, linear-ensiform, apex gradually narrowed into an elongated triquete flagella, the margins and dorsal midrib armed with white prickles, glaucous beneath. Female inflorescence a solitary terminal cephalium, pendulous in fruit. Phalanges mostly 5-15-celled, the carpels concentrically arranged, their apices with U-or V-shaped stigmas. Male inflorscence of several spikes, with white or cream axillant bracts, 5-10 cm long, composed of numerous phalanges; anthers apiculate. Fruit c. 20 x 10 cm oblong, red-orange. Flowering and fruiting: July-November


Habitat: Mangrove forests and sea coasts

Distribution:Tropical and subtropical Asia

Uses:  Medicinal; cultural value