
Type: Igneous rock

Category: Igneous rock

Chemical/Scientific/Etc. :

ultramafic, MgO >12% and generally >15%

ultrapotassic, molar K2O/Al2O3 >3 high H2O and CO2REE-enrichment

Description/Characteristics :  

  • phenocrysts of olivine (commonly altered toserpentine or carbonate)
  • phlogopite(commonly chloritised), in a fine-grainedgroundmass of calcite,
  • second-generation olivineand phlogopite with accessory ilmenite,serpentine,
  • chlorite, magnetite and perovskite.
  • The name is derived from Kimberley, South Africa

Place of collections: Wajrakarur Kimberlite field

Date/Month/year of Collection: 2022

Distribution: Madhya pradesh – Panna
Andhra pradhesh – Wajrakarur Kimberlite fileld

Uses if any: Kimberlites are the most important source of primary diamonds

Collected by: