Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Embryological evidence for evolution Dr. M. K. Raju
2 Reproductive System ppt Dr. M. K. Raju
3 Cell and Molecular Biology Dr. Mathew M J
4 Concept of Health Dr. Mathew M J
5 Ecology Dr. Mathew M J
6 Environmental Science Dr. Mathew M J
7 Microbiology Dr. Mathew M J
8 Research_Methodology Dr. Mathew M J
9 Animal Physiology Dr. Moncey Vincent
10 Chordata Dr. Moncey Vincent
11 Evolution and Ethology Dr. Moncey Vincent
12 Zoology-Bioinformatics Dr. Moncey Vincent
13 Aquaculture Dr. Moncey Vincent
14 Biophysics Instrumentation Dr. Moncey Vincent
15 Environmental Science Dr. Moncey Vincent
16 Genetics and BioInformatics Dr. Moncey Vincent
17 Diffusion Dr. Philip Mathew
18 Neuromuscular Junction Dr. Philip Mathew
19 Thermoregulation Dr. Philip Mathew
20 Xenobiotics Dr. Philip Mathew
21 Canorhabditis Dr. Samson Davis
22 Drosophila as a model organism Dr. Samson Davis
23 Nutrition Presentation Dr. Samson Davis
24 Sustainable Development Dr. Samson Davis
25 Agglutination Dr. Smitha S
26 Applied Zoology Dr. Smitha S
27 Cell and Molecular Biology Dr. Smitha S
28 Chordate Diversity Dr. Smitha S
29 Microbiology and Immunology Dr. Smitha S
30 DNA Replication Dr. Vidhu V V
31 Muscle Physiology Dr. Vidhu V V
32 Diffusion and Osmosis Dr. Vidhu V V
33 Environmental Pollution Dr. Vidhu V V
34 Life skill education Dr. Vidhu V V
35 Microbiology Dr. Vidhu V V
36 Paramecium Dr. Vidhu V V
37 Angiography and Arteriography Mr. Jobi M J
38 Dengue Mr. Jobi M J
39 Phylum Cnidaria Mr. Jobi M J
40 Rabbit Type study Mr. Jobin C Tharian
41 Amphibia Ms. Gisha Sivan
42 Apiculture Ms. Gisha Sivan
43 Atmospheric gases Ms. Gisha SIvan
44 Blastula Ms. Gisha Sivan
45 Computer application Ms. Gisha Sivan
46 Gel permeation chromatography Ms. Gisha Sivan
47 Lipid Ms. Gisha Sivan
48 Physiology Ms. Gisha Sivan
49 Classification of mammals Ms. Raagam P M
50 Environmental Biotechnology Ms. Raagam P M
51 Epigenetics Ms. Raagam P M
52 Human genetics Ms. Raagam P M
53 Plasma membrane Ms. Raagam P M
54 Population interactions Ms. Raagam P M
55 Primate Evolution Ms. Raagam P M
56 Silk moth lifecycle Ms. Raagam P M
57 Solid waste Treatment and Disposal Ms. Raagam P M
Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Characteristics of Crime in India Mr. Benny Varghese
2 Development of Social Self Mr. Benny Varghese
3 Organic Analogy Mr. Benny Varghese
4 Panorama of Indian Society Mr. Benny Varghese
5 Positivism by Comte Mr. Benny Varghese
6 Public Mr. Benny Varghese
7 Stages of Psychosexual Development Mr. Benny Varghese
8 Trait Theories of Personality Mr. Benny Varghese
9 Trends in Urbanisation Mr. Benny Varghese
10 Types of Urban Area Mr. Benny Varghese
11 Urbanisation Process Mr. Benny Varghese
12 Freud Mr. Benny Varghese
13 Anthropo Snaps Mr. R K Varghese
14 Anthropology Mr. R K Varghese
15 Crowd Mr. R K Varghese
16 Hierarchy of the Sciences Mr. R K Varghese
17 Kerala Society Mr. R K Varghese
18 Liberalisation Privatisation and Globalisation Mr. R K Varghese
19 Propaganda Mr. R K Varghese
20 Role of Resident Association Mr. R K Varghese
21 Social Psychology Mr. R K Varghese
22 Violence Against Women Mr. R K Varghese
23 Women In India Mr. R K Varghese
24 World Population Day Mr. R K Varghese
25 Youth vs Social Justice Mr. R K Varghese
26 Attitude Mr. Sanjose A Thomas
27 Future of Indian Cities Mr. Sanjose A Thomas
28 Gender Stratification Mr. Sanjose A Thomas
29 Personality Mr. Sanjose A Thomas
30 Sociology Mr. Sanjose A Thomas
31 Adulthood Mr. Sibi K I
32 Childhood Mr. Sibi K I
33 Functionalism Mr. Sibi K I
34 Interaction and Social Process Mr. Sibi K I
35 Introduction to Evolution Theory Mr. Sibi K I
36 Kinship Mr. Sibi K I
37 Nature Scope Importance of Social Psychology Mr. Sibi K I
38 Personality Mr. Sibi K I
39 Psychosexual Stages of Development Mr. Sibi K I
40 Puberty and Adolescence Mr. Sibi K I
41 Public Opinion Mr. Sibi K I
42 Scope of Social Psychology Mr. Sibi K I
43 Social Psychology Mr. Sibi K I
44 The Psychoanalytic Technique Mr. Sibi K I
45 Theory of Mead Mr. Sibi K I
46 Crime and Criminology Mr. Sibi K I
47 Child Abuse Ms. Jayanthy Devi Suresh
48 Dream Symbols and Their Mysterious Meanings Ms. Jayanthy Devi Suresh
49 Durkheim_s Theory of Suicide Ms. Jayanthy Devi Suresh
50 Envionmental Sociology- Ecological Footprint Ms. Jayanthy Devi Suresh
51 Kerala Ms. Jayanthy Devi Suresh
52 Violence Against Women Ms. Jayanthy Devi Suresh
53 Childhood Ms. Snehalatha
54 Division of Labour Ms. Snehalatha
55 Social Groups Ms. Snehalatha
56 Factors of Social Change Ms. Soorya Gopi
57 Organic Analogy Ms. Soorya Gopi
58 Social Change and Factors Ms. Soorya Gopi
59 Social Research Ms. Soorya Gopi
60 Swatch Bharath Ms. Soorya Gopi
61 Sigmond Freud Ms. Soorya Gopi
62 Land Tenure System Ms. Sreelakshmi C S
63 Objectivity Ms. Sreelakshmi C S
64 The Slavery System Ms. Sreelakshmi C S
65 Cyber Crime Ms. Surabhi Ghai
66 Emergence of Social Thought Ms. Surabhi Ghai
67 Old Age Ms. Surabhi Ghai
68 Rural Urban Difference Ms. Surabhi Ghai
69 What is Urban Sociology Ms. Surabhi Ghai
Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Width of Lines Alex Shinu Scaria
2 Spectroscopy Alex Shinu Scaria
3 Stimulated Raman scattering Alex Shinu Scaria
4 Structure Determination by IR Techniques and FTIR Alex Shinu Scaria
5 Electronics Dr. Jimmy Sebastian
6 Quantum Mechanics Dr. Jimmy Sebastian
7 An Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment Dr. Mathew George
8 Environmental laws and legal provisions Dr. Mathew George
9 Nuclear Energy Dr. Pius Augustine
10 Nuclear Physics and Radio Activity Dr. Pius Augustine
11 Radiation Dr. Pius Augustine
12 Thermal conduction Dr. Pius Augustine
13 Thermodynamics Dr. Pius Augustine
14 Transfer of heat Dr. Pius Augustine
15 Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Dr. Roby Cherian
16 Correlation Auto Correlation Dr. Roby Cherian
17 Correlation of Discrete-Time Signals Dr. Roby Cherian
18 Laws of Thermodynamics Dr. Roby Cherian
19 Addressing modes of 8086 Dr. Siby Mathew
20 Crude oil Dr. Siby Mathew
21 Marine Pollution Dr. Siby Mathew
22 Microcontroller 8051 Dr. Siby Mathew
23 Digital electronic RS FilFlops Dr. Sumod S G
24 Digital Electronics combinational log Dr. Sumod S G
25 Structure determination using IR Raman Spectroscopy Mr. Alex Shinu Scaria
26 classical mechanics hamiltonian Mr. V M George
27 classical mechanics Spinning Top Mr. V M George
28 Energy and Environmental Studies Ms. Celin Mary
29 polarisation Ms. Malini Abraham
30 Classical mechanics Ms. Navya S L
Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Health Dr. K A Raju
2 First aid Mr. Sandeep Sunny
3 Nutrition Mr. Sandeep Sunny
4 Physical Education Fitness Mr. Sandeep Sunny
Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Differential Geometry Dr. Didimos K V
2 Separation axiom Dr. Jeenu Kurian
3 Functions Mr. Jeet Kurian Mattam
4 Limits of Functions Values Mr. Jeet Kurian Mattam
5 HCF LCM Mr. M P Sebastian
6 Profit and Loss Mr. M P Sebastian
7 Problems on Average Mr. Sanal Jose
8 area and perimeter Mr. Sanil Jose
9 Fourier Series Mr. Sanil Jose
10 more definitions Mr. Sanil Jose
11 odd or even functions Mr. Sanil Jose
12 Polynomials Mr. Sanil Jose
13 solution Mr. Sanil Jose
14 Partial Orderings Ms. Anju Wilson
15 Propositional Logic Ms. Anju Wilson
16 Matrices Ms. Aparna V
17 Second-Order Linear Differencial Equations Ms. Aparna V
18 MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE, RANGE Ms. Deepthi K Dasan
19 moments, skewness, kurtosis Ms. Deepthi K Dasan
20 probability,mgf, distributions Ms. Deepthi K Dasan
21 Basic Statistics Ms. Lakshmipriya
22 Applications of First Order Differential Equations Ms. Minnumol P K
23 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates Ms. Minnumol P K


Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies Dr. Anjana N S
2 Remote Sensing and GIS Dr. Anjana N S
3 Environmental Pollution and Technology Dr. Anju S G
4 Science and Life Science Dr. James T J
5 advanced waste water treatment Dr. James T J
6 Assays Dr. James T J
7 centrifugation Dr. James T J
8 chromatography Dr. James T J
9 collection of data through schedules Dr. James T J
10 concepts of research Dr. James T J
11 cytochemisrty Dr. James T J
12 data collection Dr. James T J
13 electrophoresis Dr. James T J
14 Environmental pollution Dr. James T J
15 histological techniques Dr. James T J
16 microscopy Dr. James T J
17 microtome techniques Dr. James T J
18 Primary and secondary treatment Dr. James T J
19 research design Dr. James T J
20 sampling Dr. James T J
21 Water pollution parameters Dr. James T J
22 Correlation and Regression Dr. Jose M C
23 Introduction to Statistics Dr. Jose M C
24 Measure of Central Tendency Dr. Jose M C
25 Measures of Dispersion Dr. Jose M C
26 Standard Deviation Dr. Jose M C
27 Biodiversity Conservation and Social Issues Dr. Remya R
28 Earth and Atmosphere Dr. Remya R
29 Water pollution Dr. Sudha S
30 Environmental Pollution and Technology Dr. T J James
31 Research Methodology Dr. T J James
32 Techniques in research Dr. T J James
Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Press Proof Dr Rajesh M
2 Early Modern Period Dr. C S Francis
3 Ideological Currents Dr. C S Francis
4 Romanticism Dr. C S Francis
5 Edgar Allan Poe Dr. Joseph Vargese
6 Deep Ecology Dr. Joseph Varghee
7 Hudson wordsworth general prose Dr. Joseph Varghese
8 Thresa Hubel Dr. Joseph Varghese
9 CoyMistress Dr. Joseph Varghese
10 Culture and Society Dr. Joseph Varghese
11 Fallacies Dr. Joseph Varghese
12 feminism Dr. Joseph Varghese
13 Inheritance of Loss.pdf Dr. Joseph Varghese
14 Raja Rao Dr. Joseph Varghese
15 Second Generation of Romatic Poets Byron Shelley Keats Dr. Joseph Varghese
16 Text Open Course Dr. Joseph Varghese
17 The Scientific Outlook.pdf Dr. Joseph Varghes
18 The philsophy of Compostion Dr. Joseph Varghe
19 Donne.pdf Dr. Joseph Varghse
20 Edward Said Dr. Joseph Varghse
21 Inheritance of loss Dr. Joseph Varghse
22 Achebe Heart of darkness Dr. Joseph Varghse
23 Bacon Dr. Joseph Varghse
24 Crichton Dr. Joseph Varghse
25 dalit literature Dr. Joseph Varghse
26 Edgar Allan Poe Dr. Joseph Varghse
27 George Bernard Shaw Dr. Joseph Varghse
28 Gilbert Gubar Dr. Joseph Varghse
29 God of Small Things Dr. Joseph Varghse
30 Hudson Edinburgmen Dr. Joseph Varghse
31 Hungry Tide Dr. Joseph Varghse
32 Indian Removal Dr. Joseph Varghse
33 Interpreter of Maldies Dr. Joseph Varghse
34 judith butler Dr. Joseph Varghse
35 kubla khan Dr. Joseph Varghse
36 Ode on a Grecian Urn Dr. Joseph Varghse
37 ODE WordsWorth Dr. Joseph Varghse
38 Of studies Francis Bacon Dr. Joseph Varghse
39 Robert Frost Dr. Joseph Varghse
40 The Round Table Conference Dr. Joseph Varghse
41 william blake Dr. Joseph Varghse
42 Our Picture of the Universe Dr. Jospeh Varghse
43 Prothamion Dr. Jospeh Varghse
44 second wave feminism Dr. Josph Varghese
45 Cultural Studies Dr. K M Johnson
46 Colour-Coding Correction Dr. Rajesh James
47 How to Mark Corrections Dr. Rajesh James
48 Colour Coding Correction Dr. Rajesh M
49 Critically Evaluating and Improving a Copy Dr. Rajesh M
50 David Harvey Dr. Rajesh M
51 Evolution of Printing Dr. Rajesh M
52 Modernism in Context Dr. Rajesh M
53 Proof Reading Symbols – 1 Dr. Rajesh M
54 Proof Reading Symbols – 2 Dr. Rajesh M
55 Proof Reading Techniques – 1 Dr. Rajesh M
56 Proof Reading Techniques Dr. Rajesh M
57 The Development of Printing in the East – 1 Dr. Rajesh M
58 Constitution Dr. Tom C Thomas
59 Earth Carrying Capacity Dr. Tom C Thomas
60 Restoration period-1 Dr. Tom C Thomas
61 Restoration period-2 Dr. Tom C Thomas
62 Restoration period Dr. Tom C Thomas
63 Signs of Change Dr. Tom C Thomas
64 Communication Skills in Ennglish Fr. Sabu Thomas
65 Comparative Literature compressed Fr. Sabu Thomas
66 Comparative Literature Fr. Sabu Thomas
67 Critical Thinking and Academic Writing Fr. Sabu Thomas
68 Critical Thinking and Academic Writiting Fr. Sabu Thomas
69 Critical Thinking and Academic Fr. Sabu Thomas
70 Crotical Thinking and Academic writing Fr. Sabu Thomas
71 Deep Ecology Fr. Sabu Thomas
72 For the Dispossessed Fr. Sabu Thomas
73 Group Discussion Communication Skills Fr. Sabu Thomas
74 Literature and Ecology Fr. Sabu Thomas
75 Modes of Fiction Fr. Sabu Thomas
76 Musing on Vital issues Fr. Sabu Thomas
77 Phonetics.pdf Fr. Sabu Thomas
78 Reading Drama Fr. Sabu Thomas
79 The End of Living and Beginning of Survival Fr. Sabu Thomas
80 The Origin of Science Fr. Sabu Thomas
81 Understanding India Fr. Sabu Thomas
82 Ralph Waldo Emerson Fr. Sebastian John
83 Dario Fo Analysis Mr. Aravind R Nair
84 Dario Fo Mr. Aravind R Nair
85 Daughters of Lear Introduction Mr. Aravind R Nair
86 Daughters of Lear Mr. Aravind R Nair
87 Ionesco Rhinoceros Mr. Aravind R Nair
88 Mechanics of Writing MLA Mr. Aravind R Nair
89 Role of the Reader Mr. Aravind R Nair
90 Theories of Meaning Mr. Aravind R Nair
91 Two Aspects of Language Mr. Aravind R Nair
92 Evolution of Printing Mr. Bijo N Mathew
93 John Milton Mr. Shijo Varghese
94 Middle English Mr. Shijo Varghese
95 Modern American Drama Mr. Shijo Varghese
96 Plays of Shakespeare Mr. Shijo Varghese
97 Diderot Mr. Sunil K V
98 Lady Lazarus Mr. Sunil K V
99 Mahapatra Mr. Sunil K V
100 Plato Mr. Sunil K V
101 What is Enlightenment Mr. Sunil K V
102 What is proofreading Ms. Gayathri M
103 second proof Ms. Leksmi S Nair
104 Role and Scope of Copy Editor Ms. Minna Ann Andrews
105 RUN-ONS Sr. Sini Thresia
Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Reformation and Counter Reformation Dr. Alphohs Ligori T O
2 Russian Revolution Dr. Alphohs Ligori T O
3 NAM and Other Regional Organisations Dr. K V Raju
4 Dada Bhai Naoroji Dr. P E Cherian
5 Marxism Dr. Sibi Zacharias
6 Federalism Dr. Sibi Zacharias
7 Economic Growth Vs Economic Development Dr. Siby Abraham
8 Identities and Equations in Macroeconomics Dr. Siby Abraham
9 MNCs in India Dr. Siby Abraham
10 Theory and Research Dr. Siby Abraham
11 Mahadeo Govind Ranade Dr. V T Jose
12 Air Pollution Mr. Madhusudhanan Nair M S
13 Foreign Exchange Market Mr. Madhusudhanan Nair M S
14 Market Failure Mr. Madhusudhanan Nair M S
15 Modern Banking Mr. Madhusudhanan Nair M S
16 Net Liquidity Ratio Mr. Madhusudhanan Nair M S
17 Public Debt Mr. Madhusudhanan Nair M S
18 Public Finance Mr. Madhusudhanan Nair M S
19 Value of Bio Diversity Mr. Madhusudhanan Nair M S
20 Production function Mr. Vinil K V
21 Stages of Development and Structural Change Mr. Vinil K V
22 Marginal Revolution Ms. Alfreeda T A
23 Milton Friedman Ms. Aparna Vincent
24 Political Science Ms. Aparna Vincent
25 Kautilya Ms. Athira Binod
26 Coase Ms. Nabila M
27 Cost Ms. Nabila M
28 Demographic Divident Ms. Nabila M
29 Economies of scope Ms. Nabila M
30 Gandhian Economic Thought Ms. Nabila M
31 Important Indian Economists Ms. Nabila M
32 Irving Fisher Ms. Nabila M
33 Climate Change Ms. Renuka S
34 Free Rider Problem Ms. Renuka S
35 Macroeconomics Ms. Renuka S
36 Relative Income Hypothesis Ms. Renuka S
Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 An Introduction to Sound Dr. Asha Achy Joseph
2 Different types of recording Dr. Asha Achy Joseph
3 microphones Dr. Asha Achy Joseph
4 Recording of sound Dr. Asha Achy Joseph
5 Shooting Silent Shot Dr. Asha Achy Joseph
6 sound basics Dr. Asha Achy Joseph
7 speakers Dr. Asha Achy Joseph
8 synchronization and Timecode Dr. Asha Achy Joseph
9 Research for media Dr. Shanthi Mathai
10 Grammer of edit Fr. Antony P T
11 persistence of vision Fr. Antony P T
12 Visual grammer Fr. Antony P T
13 Poster Design Guide Mr. Abhishek R
14 Structure of poster Mr. Abhishek R
15 Introduction to computer animation Mr. Abin Jose
16 Media Management Mr. Babu Joseph
17 Business Journalism Mr. Babu Joseph
18 Kerala Media Mr. Belbin P Baby
19 photography Mr. Boney Varghese P Titus
20 Animation Mr. Kishore Kumar
21 Character Rigging Mr. Rohit Sivan
22 Visual FX Mr. Sijo Joseph
23 Effective tools for PR Mr. Sujith Narayanan
24 Compositional Rules Ms. Anu Cherian
25 Elements of Design Ms. Anu Cherian
26 Gestals Laws Ms. Anu Cherian
27 narrative Ms. Aparna S K
28 Mise-en-Scene Ms. Jeeva KJ
29 HTML and CSS Ms. Roshina Jasmin Faber
Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Measures of Dispersion Dr. A M Viswambharan
2 Business Management Dr. Joseph George
3 Corporate Governance Dr. Joseph George
4 Human Resource Management Dr. Joseph George
5 Marketing Environment Part II Dr. K T Peter
6 Marketing mix Dr. K T Peter
7 Capital Market part 1 Dr. K.T.Peter
8 Capital Market part 2 Dr. K.T.Peter
9 Passport Dr. Radhika P C
10 Service Marketing Mix Dr. Radhika P C
11 Types of Hotels Dr. Radhika P C
12 GST Dr. Remya Ramachandran
13 Direct Tax Dr. Sajoy P B
14 Marketing Management Dr. Sajoy P B
15 Operations Research Dr. Sajoy P B
16 Cost acounting Dr. Thomas T P
17 Business Fr. Tomy P P
18 Economic Environment Fr. Tomy P P
19 NITI Aayog Fr. Tomy P P
20 Income Tax Assessment And Procedure Mr. Bony Mathew
21 Analysis of Data Mr. James V George
22 ANCOVA QT Mr. James V George
23 Budget Quiz Mr. James V George
24 Companies Act 2013 Mr. James V George
25 Accounting for Managerial Decisions Mr. Johnson John
26 Introduction to Company and Shares Mr. Johnson John
27 Special Accounting Mr. Johnson John
28 Principles of Business decision part 1 Mr. M M Dominic
29 Principles of Business decision part 2 Mr. M M Dominic
30 Applied Cost Accounting Mr. Shanmughadas
31 Business Environment Mr. Shanmughadas
32 E-Commerce and General Informatics Mr. Sojan T S
33 Working Capital Ms. Ajna George
34 Controlling Ms. Aleena Varghese
35 Retail Banking Ms. Aleena Varghese
36 Accounts Of Insurance Companies Ms. Anjitha K Nanadanan
37 Financial Statements Ms. Anjitha K Nanadanan
38 Internal Reconstruction Ms. Anjitha K Nanadanan
39 Average Ms. Athira V T
40 Research Process Ms. Athira V T
41 Insurance Ms. Elsa George
42 Principles of Insurance Ms. Elsa George
43 Principles of Insurance Ms. Farzana O I
44 Capital Market Ms. Maria Tomy Philip
45 Internal Check and Internal Control Ms. Priya P S
46 Market Segmentation Ms. Priya P S
47 Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Ms. Priya P S
48 Cloud Computing Ms. Priya Renjini S
49 Database Management System Ms. Priya Renjini S
50 Pagemaker 7.0 Ms. Priya Renjini S
51 Business Environment Ms. Simi Xavier
52 Introduction to E Commerce Ms. Simi Xavier
53 Working Capital Ms. Tessa Mary Jose
54 Financial Services Ms. Theres Joshy
55 Management Information System Ms. Theres Joshy