Sl No: |
Topic |
Name |
Document |
1 |
Press Proof |
Dr Rajesh M |
2 |
Early Modern Period |
Dr. C S Francis |
3 |
Ideological Currents |
Dr. C S Francis |
4 |
Romanticism |
Dr. C S Francis |
5 |
Edgar Allan Poe |
Dr. Joseph Vargese |
6 |
Deep Ecology |
Dr. Joseph Varghee |
7 |
Hudson wordsworth general prose |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
8 |
Thresa Hubel |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
9 |
CoyMistress |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
10 |
Culture and Society |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
11 |
Fallacies |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
12 |
feminism |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
13 |
Inheritance of Loss.pdf |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
14 |
Raja Rao |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
15 |
Second Generation of Romatic Poets Byron Shelley Keats |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
16 |
Text Open Course |
Dr. Joseph Varghese |
17 |
The Scientific Outlook.pdf |
Dr. Joseph Varghes |
18 |
The philsophy of Compostion |
Dr. Joseph Varghe |
19 |
Donne.pdf |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
20 |
Edward Said |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
21 |
Inheritance of loss |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
22 |
Achebe Heart of darkness |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
23 |
Bacon |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
24 |
Crichton |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
25 |
dalit literature |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
26 |
Edgar Allan Poe |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
27 |
George Bernard Shaw |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
28 |
Gilbert Gubar |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
29 |
God of Small Things |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
30 |
Hudson Edinburgmen |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
31 |
Hungry Tide |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
32 |
Indian Removal |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
33 |
Interpreter of Maldies |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
34 |
judith butler |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
35 |
kubla khan |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
36 |
Ode on a Grecian Urn |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
37 |
ODE WordsWorth |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
38 |
Of studies Francis Bacon |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
39 |
Robert Frost |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
40 |
The Round Table Conference |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
41 |
william blake |
Dr. Joseph Varghse |
42 |
Our Picture of the Universe |
Dr. Jospeh Varghse |
43 |
Prothamion |
Dr. Jospeh Varghse |
44 |
second wave feminism |
Dr. Josph Varghese |
45 |
Cultural Studies |
Dr. K M Johnson |
46 |
Colour-Coding Correction |
Dr. Rajesh James |
47 |
How to Mark Corrections |
Dr. Rajesh James |
48 |
Colour Coding Correction |
Dr. Rajesh M |
49 |
Critically Evaluating and Improving a Copy |
Dr. Rajesh M |
50 |
David Harvey |
Dr. Rajesh M |
51 |
Evolution of Printing |
Dr. Rajesh M |
52 |
Modernism in Context |
Dr. Rajesh M |
53 |
Proof Reading Symbols – 1 |
Dr. Rajesh M |
54 |
Proof Reading Symbols – 2 |
Dr. Rajesh M |
55 |
Proof Reading Techniques – 1 |
Dr. Rajesh M |
56 |
Proof Reading Techniques |
Dr. Rajesh M |
57 |
The Development of Printing in the East – 1 |
Dr. Rajesh M |
58 |
Constitution |
Dr. Tom C Thomas |
59 |
Earth Carrying Capacity |
Dr. Tom C Thomas |
60 |
Restoration period-1 |
Dr. Tom C Thomas |
61 |
Restoration period-2 |
Dr. Tom C Thomas |
62 |
Restoration period |
Dr. Tom C Thomas |
63 |
Signs of Change |
Dr. Tom C Thomas |
64 |
Communication Skills in Ennglish |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
65 |
Comparative Literature compressed |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
66 |
Comparative Literature |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
67 |
Critical Thinking and Academic Writing |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
68 |
Critical Thinking and Academic Writiting |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
69 |
Critical Thinking and Academic |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
70 |
Crotical Thinking and Academic writing |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
71 |
Deep Ecology |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
72 |
For the Dispossessed |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
73 |
Group Discussion Communication Skills |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
74 |
Literature and Ecology |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
75 |
Modes of Fiction |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
76 |
Musing on Vital issues |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
77 |
Phonetics.pdf |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
78 |
Reading Drama |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
79 |
The End of Living and Beginning of Survival |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
80 |
The Origin of Science |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
81 |
Understanding India |
Fr. Sabu Thomas |
82 |
Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Fr. Sebastian John |
83 |
Dario Fo Analysis |
Mr. Aravind R Nair |
84 |
Dario Fo |
Mr. Aravind R Nair |
85 |
Daughters of Lear Introduction |
Mr. Aravind R Nair |
86 |
Daughters of Lear |
Mr. Aravind R Nair |
87 |
Ionesco Rhinoceros |
Mr. Aravind R Nair |
88 |
Mechanics of Writing MLA |
Mr. Aravind R Nair |
89 |
Role of the Reader |
Mr. Aravind R Nair |
90 |
Theories of Meaning |
Mr. Aravind R Nair |
91 |
Two Aspects of Language |
Mr. Aravind R Nair |
92 |
Evolution of Printing |
Mr. Bijo N Mathew |
93 |
John Milton |
Mr. Shijo Varghese |
94 |
Middle English |
Mr. Shijo Varghese |
95 |
Modern American Drama |
Mr. Shijo Varghese |
96 |
Plays of Shakespeare |
Mr. Shijo Varghese |
97 |
Diderot |
Mr. Sunil K V |
98 |
Lady Lazarus |
Mr. Sunil K V |
99 |
Mahapatra |
Mr. Sunil K V |
100 |
Plato |
Mr. Sunil K V |
101 |
What is Enlightenment |
Mr. Sunil K V |
102 |
What is proofreading |
Ms. Gayathri M |
103 |
second proof |
Ms. Leksmi S Nair |
104 |
Role and Scope of Copy Editor |
Ms. Minna Ann Andrews |
105 |
Sr. Sini Thresia |