- Policies
- Environment Policy
- Gender and Equity Policy
- Holistic Education
- IT Policy
- Research Policy
- Consultancy Policy
- Mentoring Policy
- Maintenance Policy
- Online Payment Policy
- Extension And Outreach Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Waste Management Policy
- Water Conservation Policy
- E-Governance Policy
- Policy on Green Campus
- Grievance Redressal Policy
- Divyangjan Policy
- Financial Assistance
- Plastic Ban Policy
- Vehicle on Campus
- Safety and Security
Heartian Policies
Our policies are drafted in such a way that they guide the heartian community towards the vision and mission of the college. They form guiding principles for individuals as well as the entire community covering all aspects of their life at the college. We belive that they would enrich the lives of all heartians and the people whom they come in contact with.
Environment and Energy Policy
The initiatives of Sacred Heart College are devoted to champion the conservation and promotion of life on earth. It maintains a positive attitude towards sustainable development and encourages its members to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle and construct an environment congenial to a healthy living for the future generations. The College follows a “Go Green and Grow Green” policy. As a practice it adheres to the GREEN PROTOCOL advocated by the Government of Kerala to collaborate with Swachch Bharath Abhiyan It seeks to spread and strengthen the awareness on different subjects relating to the environment and humankind among academic community and neighbourhood. The college pays considerable attention to minimize the production of waste in the campus and thereby advice the officials administering various programmes/ activities/ celebrations to restrain from using disposable products and flex banners. The College has a policy on recycling to be put into practice at the student level through entrepreneurship development cell and also plans to establish a paper recycling unit. The College has already started tapping renewable energy resources and intends to introduce water recycling by 2020. Promotes farming of organic vegetables on and off the campus. Supports and protects diversity, especially of indigenous and coastal flora and fauna and also work for their documentation. |
Gender and Equity Policy
Sacred Heart College holds the ideals of Higher Education in India, especially its stress on equity and access high. It is determined to cater to the needs of the sections of our society who face challenges on account of physical, social or economic factors. For this, it will strictly adhere to the norms of reservation laid down by the state for such sections. In addition, the Admission Committee of the Management sets apart 20% of the privileged Management Quota seats to take care of deserving students from financially or socially challenged groups. If there are applicants from Dalit Christian groups, the special effort would be made to accommodate them through MQ under this quota, if they are not able to secure admission otherwise. All this, on condition of fulfilling the eligibility criteria stipulated for MQ from time to time. If any student getting admitted in merit finds it difficult to continue studies on account of financial constraints, the Management would make all efforts to take care of that aspect so that s/he is able to complete the programme s/he has joined in. Any student of the college is free to apply for assistance to cover tuition fee, transportation, books or meals. A committee scrutinizes the applications and depending on the available resources, help is provided to the applicants. A detachable form for the same is available in the college hand book. The college has instituted an Equal Opportunity Cell, with the support of UGC for promoting the development of students who face such challenges. |
Holistic Education
At S.H., tutorials are those interactive sessions intended to impart value education to the students. The sessions are to be planned with pre-drafted materials by the tutorial committee. Value education classes go in tandem with the tutorial sessions.
The students are to be engaged either as a single class unit, or wherever possible, as a group of 15 to 20, on a relatively permanent basis, and by one teacher (for a period of one year).
The lessons are to be prepared in advance, revised periodically, and they should be so devised to extend over a period of three years. Teachers concerned have to familiarize the lesson, so that more or less same messages reach the entire group.
All lessons should lead to practical implications for life, and wherever possible to be concluded with personal or collective resolutions, and a prayer. On an average, 2 hours a month should be devoted to tutorial sessions. Besides tutorials, the renewal programmes, personality development sessions, observances of socially significant days, thought for the week, life-orientation programme etc. should also serve as platform for value education.The value orientation imparted through the regular classroom teaching.
One of the core values to be imparted is that of ‘cleanliness as next to godliness’. This is to be ensured by every teacher every time he/she engages a class, that the class room is litter-free. And whenever, a programme is organized, there is a plan for minimizing waste (zero waste) and managing it.
Human Resource Policy
Human Resources Development at SHC is looked at from four angles Students, Teaching Staff, Administrative Staff and Community. Primarily, the college is meant for developing human resources for the society through its core functions of teaching-learning, research and extension, with students as the primary focus. The HRD process starts from the day of admission, through the personal interview encouraging students to think about their future and career, through the induction programmes, initiation ceremony, orientation sessions etc. Later on, with the insistence on their being part of at least one club or fora for a holistic and integrated development, the students are steered to fine-tune their skills. As a policy, students are encouraged to join in three varieties of clubs or fora: a) socially-oriented clubs/fora, b) career-oriented ones and c) talent clubs. The Career Guidance cell and Placement cell function together to orient students towards their careers and provides periodical training and orientation regarding soft skills and other related requirements. |
A spiritual affairs committee looks into the spiritual grooming of the students, providing them with insights on the occasion of various religious feasts and providing an annual occasion for spiritual animation. A life-orientation programme is offered annually for the final year students. Mentoring is the core programme by which a student’s resources are identified and encouraged. It is coupled with the programme of value education through an interactive session planned and reviewed every month.
The students are also encouraged and supported to take part in various cultural and art competitions for which there are separate guidelines. It is prescribed that during the course of their study, every student is to be encouraged to take part in at least one national/international academic programme and be part of organising one such programme.
Information Technology Policy 2020
The computing resources at Sacred Heart College (Autonomous) Kochi is intended to support the educational, instructional, research, and administrative activities of the college and the use of these resources is a privilege that is extended to members of the SH community. The IT policy of the college is formulated to maintain, secure, and ensure legal and appropriate use of Information technology infrastructure established on the campus and provide guidelines on acceptable and unacceptable use of IT resources of the college. This policy establishes strategies and responsibilities for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information assets that are accessed, created, managed, and/or controlled by the College. Information assets addressed by the policy include data, information systems, computers, network devices, intellectual property, as well as documents and verbally communicated information. In addition, this policy supports effective organizational security and protects users and IT resources from, but not limited to cyber criminals, bullying, misuse of accounts and assets as well as the spread of malicious software |
Research Promotion Policy
Sacred Heart College is determined to facilitate the process of knowledge creation as part of quality assurance. On this account the institution maintains a Research Policy that marks its commitment to enhance research in various fields, at varying levels. The policy ensures the availability of a research environment to both the staff and students of the college. Sacred Heart College management expects its members of faculty to engage in high-quality research and publish in indexed and highly rated journals. SHARE (Sacred Heart Advanced Research Endeavour) and SHRI (Sacred Heart Research Initiatives) have been formulated to promote a culture of research and publication in the College. The forum organizes Annual Science Congress involving the presentations of the research scholars of the research centres in the college and project findings of various PG programmes. |
- To promote research as a process that develops intellectual capital and innovation by encouraging interdisciplinary research and joint and individual research projects covering more than one domain.
- To demonstrate quality by maintaining integrity and ethics in research.
- To integrate research and teaching through instructional and translational research.
- To provide appropriate coordination to all the research activities in the college by attuning the research with the vision and mission and college.
- To create an awareness among the students, teachers and research scholars about the different dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights such as patents, copyright etc and also how to respect the same.
- To provide a proper channel of information regarding the research opportunities offered by different academic, research, industrial or government establishments.
- To help faculties to avail leave for the purpose of research.
- To establish link between various authorised channels or agencies of funding for the purpose of research and provide information regarding the same to the students, scholars and faculty.
- To encourage and facilitate publication in various recognized National/International journals, participation and presentation of papers in various National/International seminars and conferences and participation in academic events like workshops among students, scholars and faculty.
- To facilitate community-oriented researches that would lead to the development of the society.
- To maintain high standards of ethics and integrity by observing that the researchers follow the code of ethics in research as regulated by the UGC and the University to which the college is affiliated (Mahatma Gandhi University).
Promotion of Research
The Undergraduate students of the college are supposed to submit a project work of practical use to the society by the end of their course. These projects can be individual or group works. The Postgraduate students are supposed to submit their dissertations in the final semester. These dissertations are expected to meet the standards of publication. There areseven research departments in the college and they stand as testimonial to the ardent research culture developed in the college over the years. The research processes are regularly reviewed and necessary measures are implemented for the betterment of the same. The research scholars are provided with lab and library facilities and software assistance.
The college has instituted two journals to offer a suitable platform for the faculty members, research scholars and students to publish their research findings and encourage them to bring to the notice of society issues of contemporary importance.
The college library provides software assistance to check plagiarism for both students and faculty members. In order to ensure the originality of the research projects or dissertations, the students are asked to avail a certificate from the library stating the percentage of plagiarism. Any research work that goes beyond the set limit of plagiarism shall not be evaluated. Also, the students are encouraged to present and publish original individual papers.
The college has always encouraged and supported its faculty members to obtain research degrees, by making all possible concessions, with the approval of the authorities concerned and within the framework of the institutional HR policy. The faculty members are constantly encouraged to engage in Minor and Major projects and attain post-doctoral and inter-disciplinary projects.
SHARE- The College has created a forum, Sacred Heart Advanced Research Endeavour (SHARE), to promote and understand research related advancements and application, headed by the Research Dean of the college. SHARE is an interdisciplinary forum, consisting of students, teachers and research scholars, which mentors research initiatives in the college. The forum provides the young researchers with active support through lectures, workshops, seminars and discussions on the frontier areas of research.
SHRI- In order to assist the staff and students with their research the college has introduced Sacred Heart Research Initiative (SHRI). SHRI ensures that the college sets apart an amount to facilitate faculty and student research that would leadto practical community involvement and publication.
Consultancy Policy
The Consultancy Policy of the college aims at extending the research and academic skills of the faculty to different layers of the society for practical purposes. These consultancy endeavours can either be voluntary or paid. 75 % of the income generated through consultancy programmes will go to the concerned faculty and the remaining amount will be used for the welfare of the staff. The college facilitates such activities by making necessary amendments and adjustments in the schedule in favour of the concerned faculty.
Consultancy Policy
Sacred Heart College (Autonomous) has always recognized the value of its faculty undertaking consultancy work for outside agencies and organizations. Consultancy is an important channel through which ideas and services can be transacted between the College and the outside agencies. The college has been offering a bevy of consultancy services offered by its faculty and scholars to the public. This has the twin advantage of deploying the knowledge-base of the institution creatively and for the benefit of a larger community along with earning recognitions and rewards for the experts at the institution. Consultancy activities are promoted with a view to fostering industry – institute collaboration and to strengthen the institute’s intervention in societal transformation and development. The college shall also develop modern infrastructural facilities for consultancy and offer the required training for the faculty. |
Heartian Consultancy Catalogue
Consultancy involves the transfer of knowledge and is usually the transfer of knowledge and expertise to outside agencies for financial and non-financial benefits. The main consultancy services offered by the College includes training programmes for various stakeholders, expert advice, analysis and interpretation of data, conduct of various national/international examinations, which require special experience and expertise etc. Normally, it does not involve the production of new knowledge and is achieved in the short term through activities that may be completed in a few days or weeks. The College does not appoint people from outside for offering consultancy; it is offered by faculty and involves extra work. |
Learner Mentoring Policy
Sacred Heart College offers committed support to equip its students to meet their academic needs. The mentoring policy aims at assuring the students with this support where the students or the mentees are offered a mentor who is bestowed with the responsibility of mentoring and guiding them. The mentoring process is a constructive way to understand the different capabilities, aspirations, strengths and weaknesses of the students. A holistic understanding of the students’ needs and the essential guidance provided are the major outcomes of the mentoring policy. The college ensures a regular and organized review of the process of mentoring and based on the outcomes the college is committed to take necessary measures.
The Central Objectives of Mentoring:
- Offer support to the students to make effective use of their potential.
- Create an environment where the well-being of the students is assured.
- Provide significant assistance and opportunity to students who are on the verge of withdrawing or dropping out from their respective course of study.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the mentors and their mentee assessment and also to identify the challenges involved.
The Process of Mentoring and the Role of the Mentor
A mentor is bestowed with the responsibility of mentoring and supporting a batch of 30 mentees. The mentor is expected to guide the mentee until the completion of the course period. In case the mentor has to leave the institution or discontinue mentoring he/she is supposed to share the mentee information with the new mentor. Also, the mentor is expected to sign a document stating the handing over of the mentees to the new mentor.
When the student joins as a new admission the mentor is expected to help the mentee to adjust and adapt to the new environment. The mentor is expected to assist the students to set their individual goals and provide adequate information on the academic needs to be fulfilled. The students can seek the help of the mentor in case of Placements, Internships and Projects they undertake.
In order to conduct a personalised individual assessment, a mentoring form is given to each student under the particular mentor. Also, the mentor should conduct a periodical individual interaction with each mentee so as to review the progress and set tasks and objectives until the next meeting. With reference to the information provided by the student on the various criteria for assessment in the mentoring form and the individual interaction with each student, the mentor is expected to develop a mentoring strategy to satisfy the potential needs of each mentee. The mentor is supposed to maintain confidentiality regarding the information provided by the mentee. The mentor is expected to document the same as a confidential data sheet about the students. The reports on each student, prepared by the mentor, is subjected to periodical evaluation by a team of senior faculty members. The effectiveness of the mentoring policy is monitored by the committee consisting of the Principal, IQAC and the Academic Deans.
Responsibility of the Mentee:
Each mentee is expected to be regular and punctual for their individual sessions with the mentor. The mentees are supposed to conform to the tasks and objectives set by the mentor. The mentees are expected to disclose their goals, needs, troubles and impediments to academics. A total cooperation to the Mentoring Programme procedures are expected from the mentees.
Maintenance Policy 2020
A well-established infrastructure policy, designed, developed and revised in accordance with the statutory requirements, technological developments, and infrastructure requirements is being implemented in the college under the guidance of the Governing Council. A systematic procedure is followed for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facility for providing better teaching and learning environment. The College Bursar is responsible for providing and maintaining the infrastructure, jointly shared by the Vice Principal and HoDs of the institution under the overall leadership of the College Principal. The College Bursar is empowered to deal with all matters pertaining to the acquisition, up-keeping and disposal of campus infrastructure. The maintenance activities are overseen by a full time Supervisor under the Bursar and assisted by 10 support staff. The HoDs are required to seek the advice and consent of the Principal/Bursar on matters involving infrastructure. Complaints regarding infrastructure are recorded in a register maintained in the College office by the Senior Superintendent. Out- pass issued by the Bursar is essential for moving the physical assets out of the campus. He also looks after the day-to-day maintenance of the entire college campus. The staff under him performs classroom maintenance, campus cleaning, gardening, plumbing, repairs and maintenance of electrical appliances and hall upkeep. |
Periodical activities such as painting, carpentry, etc. are outsourced. The Heads of Departments upkeep the systems, instruments and equipment available in the various departments with the assistance of the supporting staff. They maintain a stock register for the equipment used in the Department and submit the same to the Bursar for scrutiny as and when asked for.
Online Payment Policy
This online payment system is provided by SACRED HEART COLLEGE. SACRED HEART COLLEGE may update these terms from time to time and any changes will be effective immediately on being set out here. Please ensure you are aware of the current terms. The country of domicile for SACRED HEART COLLEGE is India. Detailed instructions are given in the login page of the web payment concerning the procedure to be followed. Please follow the instruction carefully. Once “pay” – option is selected you will be directed for payment through net banking or debit / credit card. You can choose the desired payment option and proceed. Once the payment is successful, you will get a payment confirmation slip and the student has to keep the same for reference. In case the payment is not successful due to any reason you will get a display on the status of failure in payment. In case none of the above two happens, and there is heavy delay in any response from the system – if you have not proceeded with payment and not given card detail particulars, you may proceed from the beginning again and start the payment process again. |
In case you have given all the debit / credit card details or net baking authorization for payment, and have not got any response, please check with your bankers or credit card company and see if your account is debited. If your bank account/cc is debited, please don’t make any attempt to pay again. However, if your account is not debited in the bank, you have to make the payment and get payment successful confirmation.
In any case, make a note of reference/transaction details in case of net banking or card payment.
Privacy policy
The details provided by you shall be utilized only for the purpose of receiving the payments to be made by you to the institution. All data shall be kept secure, and shall not be divulged to anyone or utilized for any other purpose.
Cancellation/refund policy
There is no cancellation option for the end users after payment is made. In case of duplicate payment, parent/student, kindly approach finance or accounts department for refund with proof of the transaction reference/ your bank statement.
Refund will be processed within 10 to 15 working days, by the respective payment gateway and will be sent back to the issuing bank [user’s card banker] in batches for processing, which should approximately take 8 to 15 working days, depending on issuing bank’s policies.
Important: by submitting a payment through the online-payments site you are agreeing to these terms and conditions including any updated changes in terms and conditions from time to time through our website.-
The articles, information and documents provided on this website are purely for information purpose and no legal commitment whatsoever are attached to the same in case of any inadvertent error that might have occurred due to unavoidable circumstances in spite of all the efforts put by the website management team.
Extension and Outreach Policy
Sacred Heart College has always been in the pursuit of systematically empowering our students and helping them grow as useful and productive citizens. All the extension and outreach programmes organised in this college focus on the Heartian core values like love, service, truth, justice and peace. It is aimed at the integral formation of the human person for fulfilling one’s individual and social responsibilities. Aims and Objectives of the Extension and Outreach programmes The extension and outreach activities of Sacred Heart College will: |
- Help students to practice and disseminate the Heartian core values of education
- Facilitate the holistic development of the student
- Help students to increase confidence, leadership skills and problem solving skills
- Sensitize the students on social issues and problems
- Motivate the students to use education for the betterment of the society
- Instil an interest in students for community service
- Help the students to understand the dignity of labour and enables them to extend their arms to people in need
- Enrich community interaction resulting in the creation of a link between the college and the community
In order to realize the aforesaid objectives the college organizes several extension and outreach programmes primarily focusing on health, environment, education and empathy. All these activities are coordinated by HEAL (Heartian Extended Arm for Life). Various clubs like NSS, NCC, Red Cross, Bhoomithrasena, Primrose Nature Club, Agriculture club, Age Friendly, Jesus Youth, and SADAS etc organise different activities aimed at instilling social commitment in students. The National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit of SH College has coordinated several extension and outreach activities during the last five years and it was recognized as the best unit a couple of times among the various NSS units affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University.
Code of Conduct
The College has designed Code of Conduct to provide fair procedures relevant to all the students, teachers, governing body, administration including principal/ Officials and support staff of the college. All the students of all Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes and all the M. Phil and Ph. D. scholars of all the departments of the College. All the students, as members of Sacred Heart College, are required to observe all the rules that are proposed under the Code of Conduct of the College. The Code of Conduct relates to three main areas such as (i) Academic integrity, (ii) Classroom Conduct and (iii) Conduct outside Classroom.
Committee to Monitor Code of Conduct 2020 -20
Franklin J (Coordinator) | |
Jinu George (Jt. Coordinator) | |
Fr. Joseph Varghese CMI (IQAC Coordinator) | |
Syamlal M S (Jt. Coordinator) | Central Campus |
Fr. Sabu Thomas | |
Jaison J | |
James V George | |
Neenu Mary Francis | |
Fr. Antony P T CMI (Jt. Coordinator) | Media Campus |
Roshina Jasmine Faber | |
Sujith Narayanan | |
M C Jose (Jt. Coordinator) | East Campus |
Bony Mathew | |
Nishal Jayant | |
Hod/ Class Teachers Concerned | |
PTA Vice President | |
Renish P R | |
Bency Benny |
Policy Documents and Rules for the Code of Conduct
Waste Management Policy
As Sacred Heart College has been making very distinctive contributions in the field of environment and sustainability, it shall pay considerable attention to minimize the production of waste on the campus. This policy envisages to guarantying the moral, social and legal responsibilities of the College in creating an environment-friendly and sustainable world devoid of waste and exploitation of nature. This policy is a guidance document to the faculty, staff and students to behave responsibly in the production of waste, waste segregation, storage, handling, transport and disposal. The Policy visionThe policy envisions a community which is acutely conscious of the anthropogenic condition of the world and therefore strives to create an ecologically healthy, prospering and resource efficient community, where waste is considerably reduced, recycled, reused and disposed of using an environment friendly safe method. Policy objectives
Water Consurvation Policy
Water scarcity is a pressing challenge both for urban and rural community in India. However, the urban community very specifically face increasing challenges to their water supply because of complex interactions like, drought, high-rise of infrastructure, population growth, lack of planning, conversion of wetland, and other natural and human factors. The prospect of climatic change adds to the difficulty of planning sustainable water supply systems, on account of both the increasing uncertainty about future supply and demand for water and of predicted reductions in water availability. As a result, Sacred Heart College, with its credentials in academic and its voluntary involvement in sustainable development programmes have enacted several policies and resolutions to create a wide-ranging set of water conservation requirements, as well as water rate structures designed to conserve water. The purpose of the revision of Sacred Heart College Water Conservation Policy 2019 is to provide the college and the local community with the means to reduce water demands by making them aware with prescribed water conservation policy in the personal and community level for water conservation. |
E-Governance Policy
Sacred Heart College, Thevara, has introduced the e-governance to enhance good governance through transparency, participation and accountability from the stakeholders. The Enterprise Resource Planning of the Sacred Heart College, Thevara, provides various privileges to its stakeholders. Two major fields under e-governance are e-administration and e-services. E-administration uses the ICT for information process and decision making by the administrators. E-services provides various service facilities. Goals
Policy on Green Campus
The initiatives of Sacred Heart College are devoted to champion the conservation and promotion of life on earth. It maintains a positive attitude towards sustainable development and encourages its members to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle and construct an environment congenial to a healthy living for the future generations. The College follows a “Go Green and Grow Green” policy. As a practice it adheres to the GREEN PROTOCOL advocated by the Government of Kerala to collaborate with Swachch Bharath Abhiyan It seeks to spread and strengthen the awareness on different subjects relating to the environment and humankind among academic community and neighborhood. The college pays considerable attention to minimize the production of waste in the campus and thereby advice the officials administering various programmes/ activities/ celebrations to restrain from using disposable products and flex banners. The College has a policy on recycling to be put into practice at the student level through entrepreneurship development cell and also plans to establish a paper recycling unit. |
Grievance Redressal Policy
A systematic mechanism for the redressal of students’ grievances is functioning in the college. If the student has any grievance on non-academic issues, she/he may approach the Teacher in-charge/ Department Head/ Dean of Student Services. In order to address the grievances regarding academic matters, a four-level redressal mechanism is envisaged. Complaints regarding evaluation shall be brought to the notice of the teacher concerned. If the student is not satisfied with his/her decision, he/she may appeal to the Departmental Redressal Cell, which consists of the HoD, the teacher-in-charge for that class and the teacher against whom the complaint is made as members. The student shall also have the freedom to make a further appeal to the College Level Grievance Redressal Cell, which consists of the Principal, Controller of Internal Examinations and the HoD concerned as members. Complaints can be filed online at grievances@shcollege.ac.in If the student is not satisfied, he/she may appeal to the University Level Grievance Redressal Cell which consists of Pro-Vice Chancellor, Affiliation Committee Convener and Controller of Examinations. The verdict of the University Level Redressal Cell shall be final. |
Divyangjan Policy
Sacred Heart College, within the framework of the equity policy, provides specia I attention to persons with disabilities under the provisions of The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. As a faith-based community, it recognizes God’s special concern and care for the physically and mentally challenged people as indicated by the term now being used by the state, Divyangjan. While the equity policy of the College aims at making education and other services accessible to all, the College is committed to providing additional support to make the Divyangjan equitable and independent. Similarly, the College takes all necessary measures to make the infrastructure and the programmes accessible to all without distinction, providing special measures for those who fall under the category of Divyangjan. |
Financial Assistance to Faculty Members Policy
Sacred Heart College gives utmost importance to the academic excellence of faculty members. The faculty members are motivated to attend subject based refresher courses, trainings, short term programmes and work-shops, to gain a deeper knowledge in their respective disciplines. Faculty members are also encouraged to undertake research projects so as to excel in the creation of knowledge. Necessary infrastructure facilities are provided to the faculty for setting up research laboratories. The College encourages the faculty members to attend national and international level academic meetings to boost their teaching and research potential. The institution firmly believes that the academic and research excellence achieved by the faculty members will benefit the student community and the nation at large. The College provides financial support to the faculty with a goal of achieving academic and research excellence. |
Financial Assistance to Faculty Members Policy
Sacred Heart College following the global urge for sustainable environment and sustainable development decide to ban the use of all kinds of plastic in the College campus from the current academic year (2010-11). This policy which comes into existence from this academic year pertains to all the domains and activities of the College. |
Restricted Entry of Vehicles on the Campus
As per the order from the Higher Education (G) Department, Government of Kerala Order No; 26483/ G1/H Edn dated 12 Students are strongly advised to use public transport/bicycles for commuting to college to promote the green initiatives of the college. They shall also disseminate the idea of making use of public transport wherever possible, reduce pollution and sustain a Green Planet. |
Safety and Security Policy and Guidelines
Ssacred Heart College is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work and leaning environment for staff and students. The College has set out its aims in the Safety and Ssecurity policy and guidelines for achieving this. Safety and Security policy and guidelines of the college is constitute under the UGC guidelines. The primary function for Safcty and Security policy is to advise, assist and support staff and students to effectively manage health and safety within the college. We continuously strive for improvement and we expect all our staff, students, contractors and visitors to hely us achieve this by following our policies, procedures and guidance. The College encourages and expects staff, students and visitors to coroperate on matters of health and safety and to act responsibly whilst on College premises. |