
SHARE – Sacred Heart Advanced Research Endeavour

Sacred Heart Advanced Research Endeavour (SHARE) is an interdisciplinary forum created in 2010, consisting of students, teachers and research scholars, which monitors and mentors research initiatives in the college. It also promotes inter-disciplinary collaboration and sharing of available human and infrastructural resources. The forum not only provides a platform for young researchers to hone their aptitude but also provides them active support through organizing talks, workshops, seminars and discussions on frontier areas of research, fund generation, consultancy work and patenting. The forum also acts as a platform for research guides to share their expertise and experiences and provide mutual help to produce high quality research output. The forum encourages a much-needed culture of teamwork among researchers. It also supervises the allocation of seed money for research. The forum organizes Annual Science Congress involving the presentations of the research scholars of the research centres in the college and project findings of various PG programmes. This platform is used for the review of the progress of the ongoing major and minor research projects of the college. It is also used as a platform to prepare the half-yearly report of the research scholars of various research centres of the college, which is a mandatory requirement of MG University. The activities of SHARE are coordinated by the Dean of Research and supported by the Deans of Science and Humanities.


  • Coordinate the research projects of students by preparing guidelines for UG and PG research projects.
  • Give necessary guidance and support to the research supervisors of various departments.
  • Assist researchers to patent their inventions/products.
  • Facilitate funding through the seed-money corpus of the college
  • Provide necessary assistance to those who apply for minor and major research projects funded by external agencies.

List of Selected Project Proposals under Hi-Birds scheme 2024-25

List of selected project proposals under SHARE 2023-24

SHARE- Major/ Minor Project: 2024-25 Notification

Sacred Heart Advanced Research Endeavour (SHARE) invites applications for major research project proposals for two years and minor research proposals for one year to be carried out in core areas of Science, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. All permanent faculty members, both aided and self-financing, having a minimum service of one (1) year are encouraged to apply. To be eligible to apply for the SHARE Major Research Project, the Principal Investigator must hold a Ph.D. degree in the relevant field. Principal Investigators without a Ph.D. degree are eligible to apply for the SHARE Minor Research Project. The major project will carry an award of ₹2,50,000/- for Science, ₹1,25,000/- for Arts, Humanities, and Commerce, and the minor project will carry an award of ₹1,00,000/-.

Please submit the application to IQAC, both as a hard copy (2 copies) and a soft copy via email (, in the prescribed format attached, on or before 31.12.2024. Only the faculty members of Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Thevara, are eligible to apply for the project.

Total Number of Major Projects: 6 ( Science -2, Arts/ Humanities- 2, Commerce- 2)
Total Number of Minor Projects: 5

Documents to Upload :

Word :

SHARE Major, Minor Project Application 

Certificate from Principal

Undertaking by the Principal Investigator


SHARE Major, Minor Project Application 

Certificate from Principal

Undertaking by the Principal Investigator

SHARE- Major/ Minor Project: 2023-24 Notification 

Sacred Heart Advanced Research Endeavour (SHARE) invites applications for major research project proposals for two years and minor research proposals for one year to be carried out in core areas of Science, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. All permanent faculty members, both aided and self-financing, having a minimum service of one (1) year are encouraged to apply. To be eligible to apply for the SHARE Major Research Project, the Principal Investigator must hold a Ph.D. degree in the relevant field. Principal Investigators without a Ph.D. degree are eligible to apply for the SHARE Minor Research Project. The major project will carry an award of ₹2,50,000/- for Science, ₹1,25,000/- for Arts, Humanities, and Commerce, and the minor project will carry an award of ₹1,00,000/-.

Please submit the application to IQAC, both as a hard copy (3 copies) and a soft copy via email (, in the prescribed format attached, on or before 30.11.2023. Only the faculty members of Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Thevara, are eligible to apply for the project.

Total Number of Major Projects: 6 ( Science -2, Arts/ Humanities- 2, Commerce- 2)
Total Number of Minor Projects: 5

Applications are invited from students of Sacred Heart College, Thevara to conduct an innovative student research project under “Heartian Initiative for Building Innovation, Research and Development Scheme-2023(HI-BIRDS2024)”.

Document to Apply :


Hibirds UC

Hi birds SE


HIBIRDS Terms and conditions 2024-2025

The last date for the project proposal submission is


Selected Project Proposals of HI- BIRDS (2023-24)

Selected project proposals for financial assistance under the Heartian Initiative for Building Innovation, Research and Development Scheme of HI- BIRDS (2023-24)

Click Here : HI- BIRDS (2023-24)