The popular definition of field work by Hamilton and Else (1983),
Described field work as, “a consciously planned set of experiences occurring in a practice setting designed to move students from their initial level of understanding skills and attitudes to levels associated with autonomous social work practice,
Service learning programme is designed from the concept of filed work in social work. The Service learning programme is defined as a planned set of experience which makes students to understand community by field work practice. Through different service learning programmes, the students interact with local community and they explore their skills, knowledge and attitude to help them. It is also an opportunity to take part in socially relevant issues.
This programme was introduced in the year 2015 soon after the college became autonomous, for promoting social service activities among the students. The programme aims to develop a humanitarian value among student community by learning through service. This unique programme is mandatory for the successful completion of graduation. A student has to complete a minimum of 40 hours of service within the first two years. Students engage in social service activities during free hours and holidays during their graduation period. Credit hours will be provided depending on the service they do. Each student will enter the service activity in the service learning record, which is regularly checked by the student development officer.
The students can participate, initiate, volunteer and organize various socially responsible programmes. The student development officer guides the students and creates opportunities for them to acquire credits. Students participate in various socially relevant programmes conducted by various Clubs and fora of the college.
The programmes mainly focus on agriculture (Paddy and vegetables), Education (tuition for the needy), environment education, Health and hygiene (campaign against misuse of plastic bags, no horn campaign near hospitals, lake cleaning, beach cleaning, surveys etc.) By doing services to needy community or by involving to social issues and social causes, the students sensitize with various factors in the community like environment, agriculture, energy, diseases, children, women, elderly, government policies and programmes NGOs, Hospitals, government offices, police stations, educational institutions etc.
Through these programmes the students can reach out the community to help the needy people and to develop societal values in them which will help them to evolve and contribute to the nation building process.
“To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to the higher levels of endeavour and achievement” Fundamental Duties, constitution of India.
At a Glance